Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1520, vdm: 497
Compendiaria Musice || artis aeditio cuncta q̃ ad practicam attinent || mira quadam breuitate complectens.|| ¶ Frater Michael Koßwick.|| [woodcut with Pythagoras] || Inuentum Samii modosq𝔷 vatis || Si paucis cupias habere verbis || Me paruum/ facito/ legas libellum || Et parus redimas/ vale viator.|| ¶Lipsi impressit Uuolffgangus Monaceñ. i520.||
¶Lipsi impressit Uuolgangus [sic] Monacensis Anno i5.20.||
Theory book
A1v-2r: Preface
A2r: Tetrastichon in liuidum.
Woodcut on the title page: Pythagoras holding a pair of scales with a hammer in one pan and two weights in the other. He stands outdoors, in front of a smithy, where three men are hitting hammers on an anvil. In the background are a village with a mill and a castle on a hill. Inscription above: “PI TAGORAS.”
GB-Lbl K.2.d.16
Rotunda, Textura, Uncial
Types 3, 5, 8, 9 (Proctor).
Hufnagel notation; Mensural notation
staff lines (A3r): 110 x 9.5 mm
Tabulae compositoriae on D3r-v
example in theory book
Music examples for the modes, the intervals, the psalm tones, intonations, mensuration signs, alteration, simple contrapunctus and for the composition with three and four parts (in tabula decemlinealis).
D-HEu, D-WRz, *GB-Lbl
Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1516, vdm: 498 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1516, vdm: 500 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1517, vdm: 501 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1518, vdm: 499 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1519, vdm: 502
Proctor, Robert. An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. Part II. MDI-MDXX. Section I. Germany. London: Kegan Paul, 1903 (133, 11497)
Top of title page: JESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDEORVM. TITVLVS TRIVMPHALIS || DEFENDAT NOS AB OMNIBVS MALIS ||. Full figure of a man on the right border of the title page. Several annotations on the borders and a passage on the last flyleaf (verso) in neat and tiny handwriting.
The number "4" on the bottom of the title page suggests that this copy was part of a larger collection in earlier times.