Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1518, vdm: 499
Compendiaria Musice || artis aeditio / cuncta q̃ ad practicam attinent || mira quadam breuitate complectens.|| ¶ Magister Michael Koswick.|| [title woodcut] || Inuentum Samij modosq𝔷 vatis || Si paucis cupias habere verbis || Me paruum/ facito/ legas libellum || Et paruo redimas/ vale viator.|| ¶ Lipsi impressit Vuolffgangus Monaceñ. i5i8.||
¶ Lipsi Vuolffgangus Monaceñ. impressit. Anno. j5j8.|| Et in vigilia Laurenti martiris foeliciter finiuit.||
Theory book
A1v-2r: Preface by Koßwick.
A2r: Tetrastichon in liuidum.
Woodcut on the title page: Pythagoras holding a pair of scales with a hammer in one pan and two weights in the other. He stands outdoors, in front of a smithy, where three men are hitting hammers on an anvil. In the background are a village with a mill and a castle on a hill. Inscription above: “PITAGORAS.”
A-Wn S.A.71.D.38
Rotunda, Textura, Uncial
The woodcuts are quite rough.
Hufnagel notation; Mensural notation
staff lines (A3r, 1st system): 109 x 9 mm
Tabulae compositoriae on C5r–v.
example in theory book
*A-Wn, B-Br, D-Eu, D-Mbs, D-Mu, *D-Z, DK-Kk
A copy of this edition was once held in the Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau (see Vollhardt).
Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1516, vdm: 498 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1516, vdm: 500 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1517, vdm: 501 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1519, vdm: 502 Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1520, vdm: 497
Vollhardt, Reinhard: Bibliographie der Musik-Werke in der Ratsschulbibliothek zu Zwickau. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1896. (p. 126, No. 222)
Several glosses in black ink throughout the book.
Napoléon I 1769-1821 Empereur des Français
Fétis François-Joseph 1784-1871. Olim Fétis 5.302.
Benedictbeuren. Inscription on A1r: Benedictenpeyren. fr. ioannes.
10. S. de Quercu, Opusculum musices (Nuremberg: Weyssenburger, 1513)
12. J. Cochlaeus, Tetrachordum musices (Nuremberg: Stuchs, 1512)
Several other text books.