Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1514, vdm: 586
Joānis Reuch⸗||lin Phorcensis Scenica || Progymnasmata.Hoc || est. Ludicra preexer⸗||citamenta.|| Sebastianus. Brant.|| Accipe Vangionū presul venerāde/Ioannis || Capnionis nostri comica dulciloqui.|| Quo duce Germanos comedia prisca reuisit || Et meruit succis Rhenus inire nouis.|| Barbarico ex fumo/flāmas meꝰ ille decoras || Capnion elicuit. gracia multa viro.|| Multū docta cohors/multū cirrata iuuētus || Debet Capnioni. multa thalia meo.|| Nihil sine causa || OLPE ||
Impressū Liptzk ꝑ Valentinū Schumā. M.ccccc.xiiij.||
Humanist book
The two variant editions have different line falls on the title pages.
A1r: Poem by Brant on title page
A1v: Reuerēdissimo Clarissimoq𝔷 in || Christo [...] (dedicatory letter by Bermann von Olpe)
Title border made from five woodcut strips. The top strip shows a putto holding two shields with coat of arms one of which is the arms of Leipzig.
D-Gs 8 P DRAM I, 2867
Scaenica progymnasmata [Schumann 1514]- D-HAu
Antiqua (Roman), Rotunda, Textura
Textura is used as a display font. Rotunda is used for the dedicatory letter and for the epilogue.
Mensural notation
full-length staves: 89 x 13.5 mm (Mortalium, A5r); 98 x 12.5 mm (Digna, B1r); 122 x 13 mm (Musis, B2r); 123 x 13 mm (Cedant, B3v)
The four musical examples are notated in two different ways. While the first, third and fourth examples are given in white mensural notation, the second example is given in black semibreves and breves (probably to indicate the chorus' triple meter).
dramatic chorus
Four choruses: 1. Mortalium iocunditas volucris et pendula; 2. Digna sunt Apolline; 3. Musis poetis et sacro; 4. Cedant fori contentio et iurgia. Daniel Megel is named as a composer in the epilogue.
Daniel Megel
D-HAu, *D-Gs
[Strasbourg]: Johann Grüninger, 1498, vdm: 596 [Basel]: Johann Bergmann von Olpe, 1498, vdm: 73 [Leipzig]: [Melchior Lotter the Elder], [1503 c.], vdm: 101 [Leipzig]: [Martin Landsberg], [1504], vdm: 605 Pforzheim: Thomas Anshelm, 1508, vdm: 588 Pforzheim: Thomas Anshelm, 1509, vdm: 76 Tübingen: Thomas Anshelm, 1511, vdm: 77 Tübingen: Thomas Anshelm, 1512, vdm: 102 Leipzig: Jacob Thanner, 1514, vdm: 75 Vienna: Johann Singriener the Elder & Hieronymus Vietor, 1514, vdm: 78 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, [1514], vdm: 590 Leipzig: Jacob Thanner, 1515, vdm: 79 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1515, vdm: 592 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1515, vdm: 593 Tübingen: Thomas Anshelm, 1516, vdm: 80 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1518, vdm: 607 Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1519, vdm: 611 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1519, vdm: 613 Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1519, vdm: 612 Leipzig: Nickel Schmidt, 1521, vdm: 614 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1521, vdm: 615 Leipzig: Jacob Thanner, 1521, vdm: 616 Vienna: Johann Singriener the Elder, 1523, vdm: 81 Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1528, vdm: 617 Cologne: Johannes Gymnich the Elder, 1534, vdm: 100 Cologne: Johannes Gymnich the Elder, 1537, vdm: 82 Cologne: Johannes Gymnich the Elder, 1540, vdm: 83
Holstein, Hugo: Johann Reuchlins Komödien. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Lateinischen Schuldrama, Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1888 (Nachdruck 1973).
Bibliotheca Ponickaviana
Scaenica progymnasmata [Schumann 1514]- D-HAu
Binding shows minor damage.
Some annotations (e. g. B1r).