Exemplar in modum accentuandi secundum ritum chori ecclesiae Pataviensis.

Vienna: Johann Winterburger, 1513, vdm: 636

Title page:

Exemplar in modū accentuādi || scđm ritū chori eccl’ie Patauieñ.||


Modus accētuādi vsu & ritu eccłie Patauieñ. ꝑ Io.|| Winterburger Viēne solerti arte imp̃ssus feliciter fi⸗||nit’ octauo kalendas Marcij. Anno dñi. 1513.|| (i6r)

Editor: Johannes Staindel
Johann Winterburger
Publisher: Wigileus Fröschl
Printer's mark:

Winterburger’s mark in red on the very last printed page (i6v): upright square, printed in red; circle with cross on the top, in the circle a snake and an arrow, right and left the Initials „I“ and „W“; ornamented background.

Place of printing:


Further information on dating: from colophon
Type of source:

Liturgical book

Catalogue references:
VD16 M 5746
Further details:

Commissioned by W. Fröschl, bishop of Passau. Early example of single-impression type. Humanist influence is perceptible in the directions for reading lessons in church. Beneath the printer’s mark is a note that records that the book was corrected by the choral vicars of the cathedral of Passau, and Johannes Staindel, its custos.


Winterburger’s tetrastich over printer’s mark: “Signa vides lector: hyberna ex arce Ioannes || Anguineas inter iaculum amentabile spiras. || Anguis vt etatem: cariosas ille lituras || Comit, in inuidiam gerit artis tela decorem.”
Below the printer’s mark: “Iste libellus est correctus ꝑ vica⸗||rios Chori & Johannem Stain⸗||del Custodem Eccłie Patauieñ.”


Woodcut on title page: arms of Wigileus Fröschl, surrounded by decorative osier frame surmounted by singing birds. The lappets of the mitre are inscribed “STEFFANVS SANCTVS”, recalling St Stephen the Protomartyr, patron of the cathedral of Passau. The woodcut is dated 1513.



Confessional identity:
Roman Catholic
Liturgical use: Passau
Printed area: 156 x 252 mm
Number of leaves:
Collation: a-h8, i6.
Original foliation:

[1], 1-69

Autopsy copy:

A-Wn 303.500-D

Online facsimile:

D-Mbs (1), A-Wn

A-Wn 303.500-D, a1r
Technique for printing music:

multiple impression; single impression

Single impression music font:


Text font:


Colour printing:

red staff lines, red initials, red text, red type on title page

Remarks on printing:

fols. a2v-a3r: tiny notes (puncta, 1.5 mm) either on or under a single line alternating up and down (each note has its own piece of staff), composed of single types, all in black. These indicate the correct accentuation of the words being sung. They are cut sufficiently small that the single line of music and the text underlay are no taller than the line-height of the text font. There are also separate black notes (including ♮ sign) printed in black on red staff lines, which are printed from short sections. There are also corrected words stuck over errors, e.g. a2r.


Hufnagel notation

Number of staff lines:
1, 4
Number of voices:

staff lines 160.0 x 7.00 mm, block length 1.5, 2.5, 5.0, 8.0, 12.5 18.5 mm; virga 5.0 mm

Comments on notation:

see remarks on printing.




Instructions on the correct singing of readings in the office and the mass, followed by a collection of examples for various feasts. The instructions insist on the correct observance of syllable quantities; see a2r: “Sit ergo lector ac regens in officio sibi commisso prouidus; ponderando quantitatem sillabarum: earundemque qualitatem sub quo accentu queque locetur; Sunt enim tante potestatis: vt etiam psallendo: regulatum tonum sub sillabis verborum secula seculorum amen in sillabis crescere faciant: et in medio versus acuant tonum: qui alias deprimeretur. […] Quantitas sillabarum in mensura temporis pendet; Breuis enim tempus vnum; & longa sillaba duo tempora occupat; Hinc longa naturaliter altior apparet quam breuis; Pretermissa ergo mensura temporum circa sillabas: non fit debita pronunciatio; Et idcirco recte sunt reprehendendi: qui non solum sillabam longam: sed & dictiones et orationes tam celeriter pronunciant. vt vix percipi possunt.”


A-KN, *A-Wn, CZ-VB, *D-Mbs, D-Mbs, GB-Lbl

Secondary literature:

Dolch, W., E. Langer, and I. Schwarz, Bibliographie der Österreichischen Drucke des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts. Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1913 (nº 75)
Lindmayr-Brandl, Andrea, Elisabeth Giselbrecht, and Grantley McDonald, “Introduction,” in Early Music Printing in German-Speaking Lands, ed. Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Elisabeth Giselbrecht and Grantley McDonald. London: Routledge, 2018: 1–17. (14)

D-Mbs 2 liturg. 388, a2v
A-KN (Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift, Bibliothek)
Shelfmark: Unter den Bruchstücken

Proof sheet from print run; fols. 19r and 22r are printed only in red; 19 (18) and 22 (21) are printed correctly; see Dolch (1913), nº 75a.

A-Wn (Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)
Shelfmark: 3032.500-D, Alt rara 740


Classification of binding:
contemporary binding
Description of binding: White pigskin, framed with rolling stamps, initials „T H“ on the top, year „1588“ on the bottom, metal corners, traces of clasps, on the spine a paper label „Missale Pataviense. // Ho. 76. π.“
Content of composite volume:

Missale Pataviense.

Bound with copies from vdm:

Missale Pataviense cum additionibus [Winterburger 1512] - A-Wn (1)

Manuscript additions or corrections:

Errors (e.g. fol. 2r, 67r) have been corrected by printing the correct word and sticking the corrected word over an error, evidently in-house. In some cases (e.g. 67v-68r), these paste-over corrections comprise an entire page.


Inscription on fol. 1 of Missale Pataviense: “Ego Thomas Heÿss parrochus in Sighartzkirchen dono accepi hoc Missale a Matathia Marco Rogÿsio Tunc Temporis Ludirector ibidem Anno 1583. Dominica 1 Aduentus.”

Link to online scan:


CZ-VB (Vyšší Brod, Knihovna cisterciáckého kláštera)
Shelfmark: 450

D-Mbs (München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
Shelfmark: 2 liturg. 388

Lacks title page.

Link to online scan:

D-Mbs (1)

D-Mbs (München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
Shelfmark: ESlg/2 Liturg. 108

Has proof sheets from the print run; details in Dolch (1913), nº 76.

GB-Lbl (London, British Library)
Shelfmark: 3366.g.22