Vienna: Johann Singriener the Elder, 1523, vdm: 81
IOANNIS REVCH⸗||LIN PHORCENSIS SCAENICA PRO||GYMNASMATA, HOC EST LV⸗||DICRA PRAEEXERCI⸗||TAMENTA.|| SEBASTIAN VS [sic!] BRANT.|| Accipe Vangionum præsul uenerande,Ioannis || Capnionis nostri comica dulciloqui || Quo duce Germanos comœdia prisca reuisit || Et meruit soccis Rhenus inire nouis.|| Barbarico ex fumo,flammas meusille decoras || Capnion elicuit,gratia multa uiro.|| Multum docta cohors,multum cirrata iuuentus || Debet Capnioni,multa Thalia meo.||
Viennæ Pannoniæ in ædibus Ioannis || Singrenij. Anno. M.|| D. XXIII.||
Humanist book
For the first edition of the Scaenica printed by Singriener in 1514 see vdm 78.
A1r: Poem by Sebastian Brant on title page.
C2v: ACTA LVDIS FEBRVIS, IN AEDIBVS IL⸗||lustris principis & reuerēdi dñi Ioānis Camerarii Dal⸗||burgij, Vangionum Episcopi Heidelberge, […] || Modos fecit Daniel Megel, Iohannes Richartzhuser || recēsuit.Pridie Kal.Februarias. Anno.M.cccc.xcvij.||
C2v-C3r: speech given at first performance by Valentin Helfant.
C3r-C3v: poem by Jacob Trach to Reuchlin.
C4r: poem to Johann Richartshausen by Adam Werner von Themar.
A-Wn S.A. 79.C.64
A-Wn (1)
Antiqua (Roman)
Antiqua is used throughout the whole print. The text for the four choruses is given below the musical notation.
Mensural notation
full-length staves: 113 x 11 mm (Mortalium, A4r); 111.5 x 9.5 mm (Digna, B2r); 112 x 10.5 mm (Musis, B3r); 112 x 10.5 mm (Cedant, B4v)
Singriener did not re-use all of the woodblocks from his 1514 (see first and fourth chorus). Compared to the elaborate woodcuts in his first edition the quality of the musical notation in this print is poor. Some of the notes are illegible.
dramatic chorus
Four polyphonic choruses at the end of the first four acts:
1. Mortalium iocunditas (A4r, for three voices)
2. Digna sunt apolline (B2r , for four voices)
3. Musis, poetis, & sacro (B3r, for three voices)
4. Cedant fori contentio (B4v, for three voices)
Daniel Megel
*A-Wn, A-Wn, D-Mbs, H-Bn
[Strasbourg]: Johann Grüninger, 1498, vdm: 596 [Basel]: Johann Bergmann von Olpe, 1498, vdm: 73 [Leipzig]: [Melchior Lotter the Elder], [1503 c.], vdm: 101 [Leipzig]: [Martin Landsberg], [1504], vdm: 605 Pforzheim: Thomas Anshelm, 1508, vdm: 588 Pforzheim: Thomas Anshelm, 1509, vdm: 76 Tübingen: Thomas Anshelm, 1511, vdm: 77 Tübingen: Thomas Anshelm, 1512, vdm: 102 Leipzig: Jacob Thanner, 1514, vdm: 75 Vienna: Johann Singriener the Elder & Hieronymus Vietor, 1514, vdm: 78 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1514, vdm: 586 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, [1514], vdm: 590 Leipzig: Jacob Thanner, 1515, vdm: 79 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1515, vdm: 592 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1515, vdm: 593 Tübingen: Thomas Anshelm, 1516, vdm: 80 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1518, vdm: 607 Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1519, vdm: 611 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1519, vdm: 613 Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1519, vdm: 612 Leipzig: Nickel Schmidt, 1521, vdm: 614 Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1521, vdm: 615 Leipzig: Jacob Thanner, 1521, vdm: 616 Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1528, vdm: 617 Cologne: Johannes Gymnich the Elder, 1534, vdm: 100 Cologne: Johannes Gymnich the Elder, 1537, vdm: 82 Cologne: Johannes Gymnich the Elder, 1540, vdm: 83
Good. The print has been trimmed (some handwritten additions are trimmed off).
Numerous manuscript additions; often Latin text translated into German.
Above the title is written: Georgius Morstin sub magistro anselmo hoc opusculum finiuit prospere ac feliciter. On flyleaf: Dnis.pag. 238. No. 256.
A-Wn (1)