[Leipzig]: [Melchior Lotter the Elder], [1503 c.], vdm: 101
Joãnis Reuchlin || Phorcensis Scenica Progymnas=||mata. Hoc est. Ludicra preexercita=||menta.|| Sebastianus Brant.|| [8 line poem: Accipe Vangionum presul…].|| Nihil sine causa.|| Olpe.||
Humanist book
The type is that of Lotter; extremely similar to vdm 605 with only minor differences.
A1r: Poems by Sebastian Brant and Johann Bermann von Olpe.
A1v-2r: Dedication from Basilius Wilde to Stephan Schligk, Leipzig, 5. Id. July [11 July] 1503.
A2r: Dedication of play by Johann Bergmann von Olpe to Johann von Dalberg, dated Basel, 1 May 1498.
C5r-v: poem by Jacob Trach in praise of his teacher Johannes Reuchlin.
C5v-6r: poem by Adam Werner to the editor of Reuchlin’s play, Johannes Richartzhusen.