[Leipzig]: [Melchior Lotter the Elder], [1503 c.], vdm: 101
Textura, Rotunda
Textura used as display type.
Mensural notation
Mortalium: 92 x 14 mm
Digna: 101.5 x 13.5 mm
Musis: 126 x 14 mm
Cedant: 123 x 14.5 mm
(it was impossible to measure the length of the latter two staves precisely because they run so far into the gutter)
dramatic chorus
Four monophonic choruses: Mortalium iocunditas volucris et pendula (A6r); Digna sunt Apolline (B2r); Musis poetis et sacro (B3v); Cedant fori contentio et iurgia (C1v).