Tübingen: Thomas Anshelm, 1512, vdm: 102
For musical examples 1, 2, and 4, Anshelm uses the same woodblocks as in vdm 588 (Anshelm, 1508), but they are inked more heavily, at least in the GB-Lbl copy, which gives them a different appearance. The woodblock looks worn by this time. Musical example 3 is newly cut, but in a very similar style.
Types 3, 9, gk. ij* (Proctor).
Mensural notation; Hufnagel notation
dramatic chorus, monophonic song
Chorus at the end of each of the first four acts: Mortalium iocunditas volucris et pendula (Actus primus, fol. XXV recto), Digna sunt Apolline (Actus secundus, fol. XLIV verso), Musis poetis et sacro (Actus tertius, fol. LI verso), Cedant fori contentio et iurgia (Actus quartus, fol. LXI verso).
Holstein, Hugo: Johann Reuchlins Komödien. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Lateinischen Schuldrama, Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1888 (Nachdruck 1973).