Augsburg: Johann Froschauer, 1498, vdm: 1326
¶ Explicit Lilium Musice plane Michaelis || Keinspeck de Nürmberga Musici Alexan⸗||drini benemeriti.|| Vna cū psalmodie vtriusq𝔷 || tam maioris q̃𝔷 minoris intonatione Scđm || omnes tonos. & exercitio solmisandi nouiter || adiunctis. Impressum Auguste per Johan⸗||nem Froschawer.Anno dñi.M.cccc.xcviij.||
Theory book
This book imparts basic knowledge about the singing of chant. It was published in various editions by various printers. Fétis cites an edition printed at Straßburg by Knobloch in 1506. This is not attested elsewhere, and is thus probably an error.
a2r-a2v: ¶ Prologus ||
Woodcut on the title page (88 x 90 mm): Pythagoras and Lady Musica standing in front of a wheel with cymbals. Pythagoras holds a hammer and a banner with the solmisation syllables. Lady Musica has a stick in her left hand and holds the wheel with the other hand. Beside her (on the right side of the frame) is another banner with the inscription: “Ach muß mir selbs frewd machen || wān schwartze varb wert mir lachē” (“Oh, I must make pleasure for myself when black complexion [i.e. melancholia] laughs at me”). The same illustration is used in the later Augsburg edition from 1500 (vdm 482).