Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1505, vdm: 236
multiple impression
Rotunda, Uncial
red staff lines, red initials, red text
The printer's mark, a considerable number of initials, and potentially the Agnus Dei and historiated initial 'T' in the canon, are printed in red and black. Space is (almost) always left for the large red uncial initials. The black uncial initials are printed on top of staves (or vice versa). Red double margins bound the staves to the left and the right, and the clefs and custodes are printed within these. The characteristic F-clef almost looks like a 3. The staves are constructed of segments of several widths. It often looks as if the red staves were printed over the black notes. Possibly printed in triple impression.
This edition seems to be printed as individual booklets: calendar (no page numbers), then Missale (I-CCXXIII, with inserted canon printed on vellum in the autopsy copy), then „Misse officia in vetustis & antea impressis missalibus non habentur sed in recentibus post speciale et ante commune sanctorum feriatim denuo sunt interlocata) - to be inserted (separate foliation), then Commune sanctorum (CCXXV-CCLXIII); in first part of book: staves printed across entire page (CVII ff); in second part: printed in two columns; there staff lines look different from in part one.
Hufnagel notation
full-length staff ([o1r]): 160 x 17 mm; height of virga one: 8.5 mm; height of virga two: 10.5 mm; height of virga three: 14.5 mm
The notation is clearly and carefully printed, with a full range of notational forms. Ratdolt favours using a double clef (f-c) only in the second section that contains musical notation.
CVIIr–CXXVIIr: Prefaces for various feasts; CXXVIIr–CXXVIIIr: Kyrie, Gloria and Credo intonations; CXXVIIIr–CXXVIIIv: Ite missa est variants; After CCXXIIII (not foliated): two folios of music with genealogy of Christ from Matthew (Liber generationis).
Weale, William Henry James. Bibliographia liturgica: Catalogus missalium ritus latini ab anno MCCCLXXV impressorum. Edited by Hanns Bohatta. London: Quaritch, 1928 (771)
Daschner, Dominik. Die gedruckten Meßbücher Süddeutschlands bis zur Übernahme des Missale Romanum Pius V. (1570). Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1995
Proctor, Robert. An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum. Part II. MDI-MDXX. Section I. Germany. London: Kegan Paul, 1903 (75, 10644)