Nuremberg: Jobst Gutknecht, 1514, vdm: 287
multiple impression
Rotunda, Uncial
red staff lines, red type on title page, red initials, red text
The music on i8v-p5v is printed in two columns. Each column measures 76 mm. Between the two columns there is a gap of 9 mm. Starting on v1r the music (for Prefaces and mass parts) is printed across an entire page. Theses pages are framed with double margins to the left and right, in which the clefs and custodes are printed.The Uncial initials are mainly in red. The red staff lines are very thin, and often poorly inked. It is unclear whether they were printed from pieces of type (with four lines each) or nested. Gutknecht uses a great variety of font sizes. Most of the text is printed in two columns. The calendar and the canon however are given in one column.
Hufnagel notation
There is a very limited number of notational forms. Most of the notes are given with punctus. Virgae and other ligatures are only used for melismas.
i8v-l2r: Passio Domini secundum Mattheum
l4r-m4r: Passio Domini secundum Marcum
m5r-n5r : Passio domini secundum Lucam
n8r-o6r: Passio domini secundum Johannem
p3r-p5v: Easter proclamation
v1r-y4r: Solemn, 'mediocriter' and ferial prefaces for different liturgical feasts
y5r-y6v: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Ite missa
Molitor, P. Raphael. Deutsche Choral-Wiegendrucke. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Chorals und des Notendrucks in Deutschland. Regensburg etc. 1904. Repr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1982 (68)
Weale, William Henry James. Bibliographia liturgica: Catalogus missalium ritus latini ab anno MCCCLXXV impressorum. Edited by Hanns Bohatta. London: Quaritch, 1928 (777)
Daschner, Dominik. Die gedruckten Meßbücher Süddeutschlands bis zur Übernahme des Missale Romanum Pius V. (1570). Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1995
Panzer, Georg Wolfgang. Annales typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD, 11 volumes. Nürnberg: Johannes Eberhard Zeh, 1783-1803 (7:455, 108)