Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1520, vdm: 497
Compendiaria Musice || artis aeditio cuncta q̃ ad practicam attinent || mira quadam breuitate complectens.|| ¶ Frater Michael Koßwick.|| [woodcut with Pythagoras] || Inuentum Samii modosq𝔷 vatis || Si paucis cupias habere verbis || Me paruum/ facito/ legas libellum || Et parus redimas/ vale viator.|| ¶Lipsi impressit Uuolffgangus Monaceñ. i520.||
Theory book
A1v-2r: Preface
A2r: Tetrastichon in liuidum.
Woodcut on the title page: Pythagoras holding a pair of scales with a hammer in one pan and two weights in the other. He stands outdoors, in front of a smithy, where three men are hitting hammers on an anvil. In the background are a village with a mill and a castle on a hill. Inscription above: “PI TAGORAS.”