Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1516, vdm: 500
Compendiaria Mu||sice artis aeditio/ cũcta q̃ ad practicã || attinẽt mira quadã breui⸗||tate complectens.|| [woodcut] || Inuentum Samij modosq𝔷 vatis || Si paucis cupias habere verbis || Me paruum/ facito/ legas libellum || Et paruo redimas/ vale viator || MK||
Theory book
There are two editions of this book printed in the same year by the same printer, which show major variants on the title page, colophon, and layout throughout.
A1v-2r: Reuerendo in Christo patri ac dno dno Balthasari coenobij Dobrilucensis Abbati… Michael Koswick artium ac philosophiae magister S.P.D. (preface, dated Lipsi Calendis Aprilibus. Anno partus deipare virginis. Millesimo quingentesimosextodecimo).
A2r: Tetrastichon in liuidum.
Title woodcut: Pythagoras holding a pair of scales with a hammer on one and two bells on the other side. He stands outdoors, in front of a blacksmith where three men are hitting hammers on an anvil. In the background is a village with a mill and a castle on a hill. On the top is the inscription: „PITAGORAS“.