Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1519, vdm: 505
Antiqua (Roman), Textura, Greek, Rotunda
Some examples of inverse printing with white lines on black background.
Hufnagel notation; Mensural notation
example in theory book
In the first part are musical examples for intervals, transposition, various modes. In the second part are examples for note values, mensuration, alteration etc.
A copy of this edition was listed in the catalogue of the Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau (before 1614, see Möller) and in the library of Ferdinand Columbus (ca. 1510-1539, no. 1471) (see Plamenac).
Möller, Eberhard. Die beiden ältesten Notenkataloge der Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau. In Festschrift Haberkamp. Tutzing: Hans Schneider Verlag, 2002, 13-26. (I, 20; II, 38)
Plamenac, Dragan. “Excerpta Colombiniana: Items of musical interest in Fernando Colóns 'Regestrum.” In: Micelánea en Homenaje a Monsenor Hinigo Angles, Barcelona 1958-1961, vol. 2, pp. 663-687. (p. 672)