Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1514, vdm: 586
Antiqua (Roman), Rotunda, Textura
Textura is used as a display font. Rotunda is used for the dedicatory letter and for the epilogue.
Mensural notation
full-length staves: 89 x 13.5 mm (Mortalium, A5r); 98 x 12.5 mm (Digna, B1r); 122 x 13 mm (Musis, B2r); 123 x 13 mm (Cedant, B3v)
The four musical examples are notated in two different ways. While the first, third and fourth examples are given in white mensural notation, the second example is given in black semibreves and breves (probably to indicate the chorus' triple meter).
dramatic chorus
Four choruses: 1. Mortalium iocunditas volucris et pendula; 2. Digna sunt Apolline; 3. Musis poetis et sacro; 4. Cedant fori contentio et iurgia. Daniel Megel is named as a composer in the epilogue.
Holstein, Hugo: Johann Reuchlins Komödien. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Lateinischen Schuldrama, Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1888 (Nachdruck 1973).