[Strasbourg]: Johann Grüninger, 1498, vdm: 596
Antiqua (Roman), Rotunda
The text is set in Antiqua. Rotunda is used as a display font. The melodies of four choruses are given in single four line staff systems. The text for those choruses is given below the musical notation. The quality of the woodcuts used for the notation is quite poor. Space has been left for a number of initials (about two lines of text high) and small placeholder initials have been printed in these areas. In D-Mbs 4 Inc.c.a. 1479, a user has added larger initials by hand in red ink.
Mensural notation
full-length staves: 83 x 13 mm (Mortalium, A4r); 83 x 12,5 mm (Digna, A5r); 100 x 12.5 mm (Musis, A6r); 99.5 x 12.5 mm (Cedant, B1r)
The melodies of four choruses of the play 'Scenia progymnasmata' are given in basic mensural notation consisting of semibreves and breves at the end of a phrase (A4r, A5r, A6r, B1r). The chorus that is intended to be sung in a triple meter is given in coloured mensural notation (A5r).
dramatic chorus
Four choruses at the end of the first four acts:
1. Mortalium iocunditas (A4r)
2. Digna sunt apolline (A5r)
3. Musis, poetis, & sacruo (A6r)
4. Cedant fori contentio (B1r)