Cologne: Johannes Gymnich the Elder, 1539, vdm: 826
❧ SVSAN⸗||NA COMOEDIA || TRAGICA.|| PER XYSTVM BETVLIVM || AVGVSTANVM.|| [printer’s mark] || Coloniæ, excudebat Ioannes Gymnicus.|| Anno. M. D.XXXIX.||
Heraldic seahorse with banderole inscribed: “DISCITE IVSTITIAM MONITI” (on title page).
Humanist book
Woodblocks for music are reused from the earlier edition of 1538 (vdm 820).
A1v-3r: Pueri in laudem Agrippinae urbis in qua repetita est actio. The text is printed in full (“Agrippina tibi laudibus inclytæ, || Germani imperii quæ decus omnium || …”), and then set to music.